Sunday, November 2, 2008


Natural remedies have been around longer than commercial ones. They are safe and free of toxins. Aromatherapy is an old healing practice; it also provides a more cost effective therapeutic benefits. For stress some of the widely used aromatherapy oils (also incense) are: rose, vanilla, ylan-ylang, orange, chamomile, lavender, jasmine, Valerian, sandalwood, etc. For insomnia these are on the top: lavender, Valerian geranium, myrrh, lemon, chamomile, jasmine, melissa, nutmeg, rose,etc.
The true founders of aromatherapy are thought to be the Egyptians although other ancient cultures used the healing properties of plants. You can use aromatherapy essential oils for massage, in your bath, and in oil burners (you will only use fragranced oils and not essential oils and you'd never use them on the skin)

Among some of the essential oils for dry skin are: rosemery, rosewood, lavender, chamomile, jasmine, sandalwood, geranium, citrus.
Essential oils for oily skin: sage, ylang-ylang, eucalyptus, cedarwood, lemongrass.
Anti-septic and drying oils may be used for problems such as acne. Among some of those essential oils are: tea tree, sage, lavender, eucalyptus, juniper, rosemary.
Did you know that rose hips oil heals scars and improves the facial tone in those who are prone to acne?
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